Saturday, 4 August 2012

Pearls of Wisdom for Teachers

As I strongly believe that beautiful thoughts should be shared with all, I am sharing a part of a very inspiring and beautiful mail sent to all of us, the fellows at Teach for India, by Shaheen Mistri, our founder-CEO. You may or may not be a fellow with TFI, you may or may not be a teacher by profession, but if you are looking for wisdom, if you are looking for inspiration, this is it. 


"Remember you always have the choice:

  • To plan or not to plan
  • To develop those incredibly strong bonds with your kids. Or to be just another teacher
  • To treat your children with respect, and care. Or to do something that humiliates them
  • To transform you classroom into a beautiful, magical place. Or to have it continue to be the unclean, uninspiring place that won't inspire change
  • To rise above mediocrity and strive for excellence. Or to be a little better than the alternative
  • To solve the problems that you have. Or to complain about them
  • To focus on the good. Or to get bogged down by what isn't working

The choice of becoming a leader for your children, and for your country is in your hands. You just need to exercise the right choice. Make the right decisions. Look in the mirror. Put in the agonizingly hard work. But mostly, keep the faith. The belief. The sense of possibility. And when you waver, like I do, get back on the path of belief soon. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself on that path."


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