As soon as the recess break bell of my school rings at 10 Am every morning, I make sure I give myself and my children that much-deserved break. I usually enter the nursery classrooms and play with the youngest and cutest children, feed them from my tiffin box and chat with them. Sometimes I use this time to roam around the school and interact with other teachers. My children eat their food and play with each other and their friends from other classes.
A lot of teachers these days prefer spending their school recess periods with their children. They plan activities and games to engage their children during the break. While I respect their thoughts and believe this must be helping them connect better with their children, I feel by pushing them to stay in their classrooms during the period where they automatically get to connect with all children in their schools is not pushing them enough to be humble, respectful and confident while dealing with EVERYONE in the outside world.
A lot of teachers these days prefer spending their school recess periods with their children. They plan activities and games to engage their children during the break. While I respect their thoughts and believe this must be helping them connect better with their children, I feel by pushing them to stay in their classrooms during the period where they automatically get to connect with all children in their schools is not pushing them enough to be humble, respectful and confident while dealing with EVERYONE in the outside world.