Thursday 31 May 2012

Love Story 2012

They first met on a rainy day and it looked to them like a setting in a commercial bollywood movie. There were thousands of people squabbing and arguing with each other over traffic jams and parking issues. However, they  were least bothered about anything other than the two of them at that moment. Lost in each other’s eyes, they shared many a lovely feelings and thoughts about themselves and each other. Life, at that moment, looked perfect and complete to both of them. After their brief friendship and courtship, Gaurav was looking forward to start something even more meaningful with Ayesha, and a steady relationship and love was all he was hoping from her side.

A year has gone by and Ayesha is no longer a part of Gaurav's life. He loved her from the core of his heart but she had other things in her mind. For her, love was not a priority in life at that time. She looked for seemingly bigger, better, more tangible things in  life and he couldn't provide those things to her. 

Gaurav has always wished, and still wish, the best for Ayesha, who now is no longer in touch with him. He doesn’t judge her or label her as materialistic; he is completely sure she witnessed situations and events in her life which have convinced her to be this way. But the events that took place in Gaurav's life over that one year has led him to conclude that the one standing next to you today might not stay there on another day. People come and go, and it’s best not to get too attached to them. He is doing well professionally and looking for a partner.

Saturday 26 May 2012

A Lesson Prateik Learnt

Deeply engulfed in his pleasant thoughts, Prateik was rudely brought back into reality by a man who was clearly at the wrong place, hurling out expletives after expletives. Thankfully, they were not meant for him. He immediately became alert and readied himself for a fight or flight response if the man’s actions towards him seemed malignant. The man came near him, but wasn’t looking at him. Prateik stared at the dullness of the man’s eyes.  The man seemed to him as someone who was in search for life.

Usually amicable, Prateik was unable to convince himself for striking up a conversation with him. His expressions, the thinness of his body and the paleness of his skin, and his chant of expletives made Prateik feel he was someone in deep agony and agitation. Was he looking for a company? Was he only asking for someone to lend an ear? Prateik tried sensing if he was in a drunken state, but his senses gave up and he couldn’t stay there anymore. He realized that he was not the solution to everyone’s problems. Perhaps nobody in this world is, for everyone. 

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Prayer for Today

I read this in a magazine and jotted it down in my note book only to share it with as many people as possible. If it resonates with you, share using your own means.

Before the day is out,
Do something specific and concrete
That will demonstrate your determination to
Change yourself and your life for the better
Pay a debt
Heal a broken relationship
End a quarrel
Offer an apology
Pray for someone
Visit someone who is sick
Restrain yourself from buying something
You had planned to buy for yourself
And give the money to charity instead
Do whatever you do quietly, without ostentation
And do it, not in the hope of reward
But simply because you want to do it
Because you prefer to be an
Inner-directed person

Sunday 20 May 2012

Comfortably Speaking

I quite enjoy being the cynosure of all eyes; and I really can’t help feeling that way. No matter where I go, I usually get noticed, talked to and talked about by my fellow mortals. And it’s not that I am an egotistical buffoon; if they ask me questions, I try giving them the most convincing answers, if they need any information, I offer my knowledge. If they ever ask me for suggestions or advices, I provide warmth, consideration and counselling. But the biggest reason why I usually gel well with most people is that I always lend an ear, and listen patiently and sincerely to whatever they have to say.  I’d argue that imitation isn’t the best form of flattery; listening is.

Very often, however, I meet people who do not appear comfortable confiding into strangers, and take a very long time to develop that sort of a comfort zone. To each his own, I’d say. But I wonder if it’s their introvertedness or something else. I doubt that a majority of such people haven’t had experiences which liberated them from their comfort zones, which took away all their inhibitions and pre-conceived notions.

And what do I do when I try conversing with such people? I try a little more, often fail and then look for people who appear to have resonance.