Saturday, 30 June 2012

On Spirituality

Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to attend a talk by Arun Kapur, Director of Vasant Valley School, on his views on an excellent education. According to him, an excellent education is a combination of a number of favourable factors for a child, which includes spirituality. This intrigued many of us, as usually we think of a strong academic background and a keen interest in sports and extra-curricular activities as indicators of an excellent education. On the night of that talk, I reflected on his ideas, and began to question my own spirituality. Was I spiritual enough? Was I in a position to teach spirituality to my kids? If not, then what will I do about it?  With those thoughts, I joined a spiritual camp to discover myself completely, shed away the worries and stresses of everyday life, and connect strongly with my soul. 

Today I had a wonderful discussion with a couple of special friends about the lessons I learned at that spiritual camp and we all felt that we were already familiar with most of those lessons. Yet, we get distracted from  the negativity of competition, comparison, attachment, expectations, anger, greed, envy and hostility. We tend to undermine those finer values and mindsets that matter the most. We lose our human touch. It, therefore, becomes supremely important to keep a company of inspired and positive people who do not let you fall, and provide you with reassurance that you are on the right track. Even more importantly, we must realize that we are all spiritual beings who need to feed our souls whilst enjoying this human experience.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Julian's Thank-you Note

I was in a popular restaurant an hour ago and had a lovely time catching up with a friend over some delicious treats. After our elaborate meal got over and we requested for the bill, we received something along with it that we hadn't expected. The gentleman who served us, Julian, wrote a personalized thank-you note to us for visiting his outlet and letting him serve us. It was a very kind gesture and reminded me of my days in Pune when I used to exchange thank-you notes with my colleagues every now and then. I immediately picked the note up, tucked it in my bag's pocket and took out a small piece of paper and a pen to thank him back for his amazing service and benevolence.

Some of the most heart-warming acts of kindness are also the simplest and most cost-friendly. Julian's kind gesture made me smile and inspired me to spread smiles across through the simple act of thanking.

Monday, 18 June 2012

To Make Each Day Count

As you wake up this morning,
Be grateful to God for giving you another day
In your life full of purpose.
Thank Him for the love that you get
And the ability to love back,
The zest for living, the knowledge to survive,
The joy to smile, and the wisdom to be kind.

If these things don't quite resonate with you,
Thank Him for a heart so open
That allows new people, experiences and ideas to enter in the mind.
A mind so strong, that's capable of learning and unlearning.
And a body so capable of doing what is right,
And fighting against the odds in a righteous fight.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Being a Giving Tree

Life is just like a roller-coaster ride. Sometimes you are high and you feel like the king; there is no looking back or forth; today is your day and you better live it up. Sometimes you are made to roll all the way upside-down till the time your knees begin to hurt, your back starts to ache and you become too befuddled about the reality of your own self. Then there are times when you live your life on the edge. Yes, this world could be a dangerous place to be in. But if you can find supportive and understanding companions, just how you would find a partner in a roller-coaster ride, those who'd celebrate with you on days you're joyful, those who'd wipe your tears on days that are not meant to work for you, and those who'd assuage all your pain and fear, hardships and burn-outs after a day or night of living life on the edge, then your life becomes worthier and happier and your struggles seem diminished.

Today, let's become a giving tree to someone in our lives. And thank the existing giving trees life has bestowed upon us.

P.S: The Giving tree is a children's story book written by Shel Sirverstien

Sunday, 10 June 2012


I left my home without any expectation of getting to meet you.
I met you without the expectation of getting to know you.
I got to know you without ever thinking how special you'd become.
I bade farewell with the expectation of staying in touch ever after.

And that, old friend, was the only misfortune in our kinship.

Monday, 4 June 2012

On Kindness

Since love is not very easy to find,
Let us be a little more kind
To the ones whose lives are aligned
With the lives we have been assigned